Cameron Lee
Growing up in the heart of the Texas hill country Cameron Lee has been a voracious reader and developed a love for writing at an early age. Thanks to her mother's homeschooling throughout elementary and middle school, Lee has a deep background in reading classic literature which has greatly shaped her interests and writing style.
Because of her love for reading and writing Lee attended Texas State University and graduated in May of 2022 with a bachelor in Creative Writing and is currently enrolled in the English graduate program at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi for a Masters in English. And in the Fall of 2021, Lee started C.L. Short Stories which is an online platform that offers a collection of short stories and insightful articles on writing and higher education. From class projects to personal musings on what it means to be a student in America, C.L. Short Stories is an exploration of the creative mind.
Published Books, Short Stories, & Articles

Welcome To The Afterlife is a fun short comedy that describes what happens to souls after they die. Based on Greek mythology and laced with pop culture you'll learn all about Hades Internships, a program where souls can earn their way to the Elysian Fields. Be prepared because not everything is as easy as it seems.

Are Twitter And Facebook Debates Worth The Hassle?
This is an article I wrote for Evie Magazine in 2019.
"Have you been discouraged from debating people online and told that you will never make any progress with people? Do your friends and family tell you that political debates are only going to make things worse and you should just stop engaging with people on the other side of the aisle?"